How long is the delivery process?
It takes 2 to 5 working days to deliver the ordered products to your doorstep.
What is the return or exchange policy?
If the item you receive is damaged, we will refund your amount excluding delivery charges upon confirmation of proof of damage provided by you.
If there are any items missing from your order contact us as soon as possible and we will send your missing products.
If the item you received is not what you ordered, you can send it back to our return address and we will send you the actual items upon confirmation of returned items.
How can I change my order?
You can contact us on Instagram, Facebook or Instagram within an hour of order placement to change your order.
How can I cancel my order?
You need to contact us through email or Instagram within 1 hour to cancel your order, it cannot be cancelled through website once you've placed the order.
Do we offer special gift packaging?
No we don't but all our products are shipped in customized prestigious boxes designed by Zanjabeel itself that are best for giving presents.
What payment method do we offer?
We offer COD and bank transfer. COD will be applicable on all orders placed on website. If you want to pay in advance though bank transfer you must contact us on WhatsApp or Instagram.
Can we add some special notes in orders?
For that purpose you will have to contact us on Instagram Facebook or Whatsapp. If we can we will.
What do I do if I never received my order?
Contact us on this number 03333660169
Or email us at zanjabeelbookstore@gmail.com
Or leave message n out Instagram.
What do I do if I received a defective order?
Contact us on this number 03333660169
Or email us at zanjabeelbookstore@gmail.com
Or leave message n out Instagram.
How do I contact your company if my question isn’t answered here?
Contact us on this number 03333660169
Or email us at zanjabeelbookstore@gmail.com
Or leave message n out Instagram.
I want to send a gift though your shop, would you mention price in the product?
If you want to send an order to shipping address with 0 COD you must place that order though Instagram or Whatsapp and pay in advance. That way we will send you gift to given address with 0 COD.
What does Zanjabeel mean?
When was Zanjabeel started?
Do you have an outlet?
No we're an online business which delivers products through courier services.
Which courier services we use?
How can we track our order?
On Our tracking link
Who is responsible for the damages?
We are responsible for the product damages only, not if the box is damaged as box is an exceptional service for safekeeping.
Where can we leave product reviews?
I'm comments section of website and Instagram Facebook.
Where can we lodge our complaints?
You can contact us on this number: 0333660169
Or email us at: zanjabeelbookstore@gmail.com